“Hungry' - Literally Means Anger Due To Hunger”

It is a well known saying that poverty is the root cause of all evils. Corruption, loot, begging and incidents of theft are the offspring of abject poverty. The destitute leads a pitiable and miserable life. They do not get sufficient food. Lack of funds constrains them to take recourse to illegal activities. Slum-dwellers always feel dejected. They recognise only those beings who help them and feed them. Humanity, mankind, honesty, trust and love become significant when an individual succeeds in satisfying his hunger. Hungry people need only food. There is a dearth of people who are capable of converting obstacles into opportunities. They scrounge for gold in the garbage dumps to earn their livelihood. The poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer. According to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018, by five UN agencies, 821 million people went hungry last year.

Plan of Action for COVID-19

Continue our food distribution effort and support the helpless.

Spread public awareness and how to maintain Personal Hygiene.

Assist as many daily wage earners, who suddenly found themselves jobless and helpless

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Social welfare is the most corrosive behavioral force ever unleashed by man.

  • Netaji Subhash Road, Subhash Pally,P.O Siliguri, Dist Darjeeling,West Bengal, India
  • +91 983 245 5425
  • +91 983 237 2843
  • team@covid19relieffunds.org